Hello @everyone. Time is running very fast and we are approaching our launch date with big steps.

27 Aug 2021, 19:05
Hello @everyone! Time is running very fast and we are approaching our launch date with big steps. In the course of this, we would like to clarify a few things here and make sure that everyone has understood so that we can smoothly transition to the new Polis Chain incl. validators. 1) On August 30th, 2021, we will discontinue the incentive for staking (Drachma). 2) Those who want to run a validator should try as much as possible to send their Polis Tokens to the following address before the official launch date, so that they will be available with the Genesis Block on the Polis Chain. Polis Swap Address: 0x3652607d86674E051c606826875AFbc313d531eF To be able to set up a validator, MINIMUM 100,000 Polis are needed and there will only be 19 validators in total. The selection of the 19 validators will take place via weighting, this means the more polis you have there (including delegated polis), the more likely you are to qualify as a validator. So it is quite possible that at a certain point 100,000 polis will not be enough to qualify as a validator. This means: Without qualification, no rewards! 3) In the first week after the launch, there will be no rewards for the validators. This week is intended to allow people to familiarize themselves with the network and to give validator operators the time to set up their validators and/or delegate their polis to a validator if necessary. 4) The bridges from Polis BSC to Polis Chain are expected to be available about 1-2 weeks later. So if you want to suspend a validator or delegate your polis to a valdator early, it is important that you send your polis to the above address in time for your polis to be available with the Genesis Block on the Polis Chain. 5) The new rewards system for Validators and Delegated Polis Coins will start on September 15th to give everyone enough time to take care of it and give everyone the opportunity to set up a Validator or delegate their Polis Coins. We thank you for your continued trust in us and look forward to taking the next step with you towards the future with the new Polis Chain. Your Polis Team